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Tag: ssy
Viewing 1 - 2 out of 2 Blogs.
Every family has at least one Aunt Bertha and every family has a bossy lady who tries to be the head of everything. My Great Aunt Bertha was both! Aunt Bertha was married two times and never had any kids. Her first husband was Bob Dalton. She was married very young to him then she married Bob Page, Yep another Bob, and he died after only 6 years. She lived the rest of her life alone and it couldn't have been easy then but she worked and bought... Read More
OH FOR GOODNESS SAKE!!!I want to tell you about my day. It was a few days ago but still fresh in my mind. What started out as a normal day ended up in the craziest day I've had in a long time.I got up bright and early, had my coffee Just a usual morning for me. I had my day planned and a mental list of all I was going to do. That was my first mistake. Planning a day in advance always seems to run amuck for me. I know better than to try and be organized so why in the heck do I t... Read More
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