BLOGS: A blog, simply put, is something you have written, or written about.
We have a forum you can post pictures, recipes or jokes you want to share; these are not considered blogs and will be removed. On the other hand, for example, a recipe with a story about a recipe that has special meaning would be fine. Greetings to others, thank you's, etc. are not considered blogs and will be removed.
Any concerns may be addressed to Admin by using the Contact Us link found at the bottom of each page. Blog Rules can be found in Terms & Conditions link at the bottom of each page.
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Tag: stories
Viewing 1 - 5 out of 5 Blogs.
I’ve had some extra time this past week to do different things, some that I put off for a long time, and some were experiments that I’ve thought about before, but didn’t have any “spare” time. It has been very cold in our area… some claiming that there were a few record lows in the past century. Of course, there are always some who will complain if it is only two degrees below freezing, or raining on their planned day for travelling, or shopping, or any other outdoor activity,... Read More
First of all, did you know that the term ‘wordsmith’ is an English language word that was created in late 1800s to describe a person who works with words, and is especially a skillful writer. The word ‘skillful’ in the last sentence leaves me out; I’m not skilled but I love words. I talk a lot, at time too much, but I also remind myself that I need to listen to other people’s stories. They are very interesting too… well, most of them! I don’t like to listen to gossip, o... Read More
The first time I was told to consider writing blogs in the A-Z Challenge, I told my friend that I didn’t have time, didn’t know what I would write about, and to leave it to others who were better writers. Another friend reminded me that I always have lots to say (invited or not), so what would be so hard about writing a blog. When I finally did get started, it got my ‘old brain’ in gear, and I started to enjoy the exercise of deciding on a topic for each letter, and getting my thou... Read More
Are you having a good summer? What has been your special moment to date? Have you been waiting for August to arrive before you take off to visit distant family members, travel to a destination that is still on your ‘bucket list’, or enjoy your home garden with a tall glass of iced tea?I’ve been a bit scarce on The Hill, and I miss the stories shared by friends, meeting new members to our favorite cyber community, and using a bunch of words myself. We haven’t done much travelling this sum... Read More
Here I am again... Can you tell that I am having a lot more time for the computer? The Hill is still one of my favorite sites on the computer, and I am a STRONG supporter of Administration here, and I've been thinking! (That could be dangerous!)There has been a lot of talk about getting some new groups going, and I know there are a lot of people who really enjoy them. I would also like to encourage people who used to write blogs to come back and get going again, now that the "blog police" h... Read More
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