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Tag: story
Viewing 1 - 5 out of 11 Blogs.
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Is it my turn to write a blog this week? It has been a busy time in my “office”, phone conversations, text messages, and email ‘letters’, updating my contact list, and remembering to save all the info that I’ve been receiving. My title this week may be a bit confusing, so let me fill in some blanks. This story started many years ago, on a sunny day in the late summer. A large group of young ladies, most who had just graduated from high school, had received notice of the anticipated ev... Read More
I decided, because of past events that have recently popped up in my memory, to share this blog that I wrote in the A-Z Alphabet Challenge a couple of years ago. I guess this is my "Throwback Thursday" story...______________________________ _______________________ I would like to introduce you to a guy I met many years ago. He was a lot older than me, but the first time I laid eyes on him, I knew I wanted to get to know him better. He was gorgeous, and to me, he looked like a giant with a gr... Read More
In the mid-1980s, our two children were both completing their high school education and were trying to decide what they wanted to do as an adult. There were a few ideas, but the question was, “Would Dad and Mom agree?” Our son wanted to sell real estate, like his father did, but had to be convinced that he was too young. Where would he find a customer who would be willing to work with an 18-year old Realtor? Our independent daughter wanted to get a business degree, but not anywhere near hom... Read More
G – Geonealogy-----As far back as I can remember I have always been interested in the lives of my ancestors on both sides of the family plus local History and especially of the early Polish settlers to this area. I am a direct descendant of these early settlers…My Maternal G. G. Grandfather along with his wife and two children, migrated here from Poland in 1848 being amongst the first early settlers to this colony. Then in 1855 and 1856, three of my Paternal G. Great uncles also... Read More
It's been a few months since I have done a bit more than browse The Hill to check on my friends. I still love this Social Network, but a combination of events and circumstances has limited me from participating as I have done in the past.After receiving a number of private messages, asking me why I haven't written any blogs for some time, I decided to give it a try. Many may not find my topics very interesting, and that's fine with me, but working on an Alphabet Challenge make me think, and help... Read More
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