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Tag: tea
Viewing 1 - 5 out of 7 Blogs.
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"There is no such place." Billy was shouting at little Becky. He was playing his usual Bully Billy routine again. I had to find away to stop it. I said a little prayer for help. How do I reach these wonderful little minds?"Billy, can you come here a minute." I motioned for him to come to me. He shuffled his feet as he prepared himself for another lecture about being a bully. "I think I am going to need you to help me today." That made him go a litt... Read More
I’m not yet ready to write a blog about Christmas, but I’ll get there. This week, I’ve been thinking about trains, especially while watching so many ‘going’ and ‘coming’ through our valley. Trains have change in many ways in my lifetime, and this may bring back a few memories for you too. In the early 1940s, our family lived on a farm, and when it was necessary to travel 80 miles to the city, many times my Mom and I would take the train. The proprietor of our General Store, wo... Read More
There are times when we discover, through the eyes of visitors, that we live almost “next door” to one of the world’s treasures of nature, Banff National Park. We have extended family members living in England who have visited several times, both summer and winter, and a ‘must see’ location is Lake Louise. Lake Louise is at the foot of a glacier, and in the summer, the scene from the chateau on the edge of the lake is spectacular. There are hiking trails around the lake, a chance to vi... Read More
I learned a lot of lessons from a hard experience. Some of them were funny at the time, others were not funny till years later.I decided it was cool to smoke cigarettes in the 7th. Grade. I had dabbled with them before when I was much younger with bad results. This time I thought I was grown up and I wanted to keep up with the 'cool' kids. I was tired of being a square which is what we were called if we had strict parents and wouldn't join in with things we knew were wrong. But heck... Read More
Five years ago I stood in washington DC with a group of disastisfied American citizens. The group was given the name of "tea party" as for me and the group I was with we did not want to become a party.. or a part of a party we wanted to just be independent citizens who were concerned with what was happening to our freedoms and the nation we loved.... I had written this years before.. and in part the issues I wrote about are the same issues today.. not much has changed.... since 2001.... Read More
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