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Tag: thankful
Viewing 1 - 4 out of 4 Blogs.
We’ve just gone around another of life’s bend in the road. I’ve been a bit scarce on The Hill, but I haven’t really left. Time and energy has been a factor! I’ve been a fan and advocate of NOTH since it first started, and got most of my computer education through the newsletters from TC and EB for many years. I’m not ready to quit yet. It seems that we are at the point in life where we need a general “overhaul”, resulting in becoming on a first name basis with many in the Me... Read More
Oct 28 “Your Compassionate Heart, Papa” Papa it was a kinda trying day in some respects today. Thank You for “being here” for me and making all things work together for good like You always do. You are Faithful. I have a thankful heart tonight for You Papa. You are my shoulder to cry on, to lean on, to sustain me, to be my shelter in storms, my rock in a weary land. When some cause hurt, You bring another alongside to comfort with kindness. You see my tears, You see my smiles. You are so... Read More
Everybody talks about the weather, even though we can't do a thing about it. Living in a rural setting among farmers and ranchers, the weather conditions are: Too hot ... the crops will burn up; where's the snow now?Too cold ... nothing is going to grow; too much snowToo dry ... not enough rainToo wet ... too much rainToo windy ... we're losing all the topsoilToo calm ... where's the Chinook when we need it?Today it was too hazy with all the smoke from the wildfires, and this evening the hail... Read More
We are back home, after travelling and visiting family for three weeks, and even though today was Canadian Thanksgiving, we chose to have a quiet day at home. Both my husband and I had to contend with chest colds when we were travelling, which wasn't in our plans, so a quiet day and light meals was what we craved. We had our own entertainment this afternoon, provided by wildlife in the back yard. In our travels, we purchased an unusual bird feeder from a dealer at an Antique Mall. The birdhouse... Read More
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