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Viewing 1 - 5 out of 34 Blogs.
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I have in the last month checked on friends I have not heard from in a while. So many of them have passed from our lives. I have been a member since 2008 and there was a period of my life that I was not able to spend time on the Hill because of my illness and my husbands illness and death, but you know some thing, so many of my friends continued to send me greetings every day. I would be off line for weeks at a time but the messages would be there when I was able to be ON the Hill to read them.O... Read More
Good Morning Or Day or Evening to you.I don't where to being but maybe at the beinging. I haven't been on here much because I have a lot of things going on. !, My granddaughter move in with us a year ago. She was having trouble with her Step Mom. She did go back to visit this weekend though after a year of being away from home. But she is looking forward to returning as well. 2. My brother Tom Hull passed away on the 26 of June That is the day my baby boy was born, On the 27 of June my Aun... Read More
My mind has wondered all over today. I spent a lot of it thinking about how lucky I was to have had such loving foster parents. My sister and I had come from an abusive home to the orphanage. My sister was very, very close to Pa. the first time the man and woman came to the orphanage, my sister bounced into his lap and hugged his neck. I was mesmerized by the beauty and kindness in the woman's face. I reflected on growing up with a Pa every little girl should have had. We got valentines an... Read More
I suddenly found myself up in a tree. I am not sure how I got here. I was really trying to figure out how and looked down. Yikes! A big tree, a tall tree, but how? When? Well, old girl you have lost it this time. There is no way you can tell anyone about this one. What am I talking about? I can't even get to the computer. Hey, where am I? If I don't know the answer to that I bet someone is going to come along and ask me who the Presi... Read More
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