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Tag: tourists
Viewing 1 - 3 out of 3 Blogs.
Years ago, my Dad did a lot of traveling with his widowed sister, and they were in many places in the world. He wasn't much for taking pictures until after my Mom passed away because she is the one who carried a Kodak box camera. When my Dad retired, his company gave him a movie camera, a 35 mm camera, 2 projectors, and a screen (you can tell that his work was with the "government"), so he decided to learn how to use "that stuff"!He moved into a Seniors' Residence so he wouldn't have to worry ab... Read More
It seems that there is a much greater interest in dinosaurs during my lifetime. Young children can remember the oddest names for those prehistoric animals, and many have a bag full of toys to play dinosaur stories with their friends.When I was growing up, there was this large dinosaur at the Calgary Zoo, and we always looked forward to having some time to climb up the tail. In the last few years, the Zoo has upgraded the Prehistoric Park and it has become a highly favored spot for family fun.The... Read More
Friday was the kickoff of the annual Calgary Exhibition and Stampede. It starts with a huge parade in the downtown core, and turns the city into a crowd of pseudo-cowboys who learn very quickly the YAHOO greeting, and trade their fashion clothes for blue jeans and cowboy hats. Here`s a short video to watch of the parade.CALGARY STAMPEDE PARADE - 2014As for us, we watch the events on TV ... it`s not as crowded as it is downtown! ... Read More
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