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Tag: town
Viewing 1 - 4 out of 4 Blogs.
Now days mail delivery is a little different. I still get my mail from my mail box. I also get notification of its arrival through my email. I got such a notification through email for a letter from a friend of mine. I went to the mail box after the time the mail usually arrived. Nothing, but my neighbors mail. I thought that was curious. I thought to myself, it will just come tomorrow.I proceeded to take my neighbor's mail to them since it was just down the street. I walked over and was about t... Read More
There are three towns in Alberta, and two of them have become known worldwide for different reasons. Neither of them are near where we live, but we've visited both. Let me tell you about them.Viking is a town in central Alberta, near the Alberta/Saskatchewan border. Anyone who is a hockey fan will have heard of the Sutter Family, one of the most famour families in the National Hockey League. Six brother reached the NHL as players, and several eventually went on to coach in the NHL. Brent and Dar... Read More
This past weekend was like "old home week". We travelled to the town where my husband and I met 53 years ago. It is a small prairie town in central Alberta, and whenever we have the opportunity to visit friends there or attend a special event, it feels like we've gone back home. We both had jobs in that town that we enjoyed; Ed was the telephone guy and I was a newly graduated registered nurse in the 19-bed hospital.This past weekend, we attended the annual Show and Shine Car Show, which has bec... Read More
I'm writing this today to ask for any information that any NOTH member may have on the early history of Oro Township, Ontario, Canada. The Oro-Medonte Township History Committee is looking for anecdotes, family stories, memories and photographs particularly pre-1950 pertaining to the African Episcopalian Methodist Church on the corner of the Old Barrie Road and the 3rd Concession of Oro Township. Of particular interest are photographs showing the church prior to the circa 1945 restoration, and a... Read More
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