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Viewing 1 - 5 out of 13 Blogs.
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A Diamond Jubilee
Posted On 06/11/2022 14:46:46 by yourchoice
For me, last week was quite a week of celebration. It wasn’t a personal celebration, but a global recognition of Elizabeth, the reigning queen of Britain and the Commonwealth. Can you imagine that it is seventy years of commitment to a life of service that began at a very young age when her father died in February 1952, Elizabeth—then 25 years old—became queen regnant of seven independent Commonwealth countries: the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Pakistan, an... Read More

My Pa
Posted On 03/12/2021 22:26:39 by texasjane
My mind has wondered all over today. I spent a lot of it thinking about how lucky I was to have had such loving foster parents.
My sister and I had come from an abusive home to the orphanage. My sister was very, very close to Pa. The first time the man and woman came to the orphanage, my sister bounced into his lap and hugged his neck. I was mesmerized by the beauty and kindness in the woman's face.
I reflected on growing up with a Pa every little girl should have had. We got valentines an... Read More

Living Without Treasures
Posted On 03/08/2021 23:14:36 by texasjane
I was reading the paper this morning about a guy I knew when he was eight years old. He was Brenda Somebody’s boyfriend and I thought I could not live without him. He was adorable. Brenda and I had been good friends until then. Looking at the picture of this short, fat, bald man did not remind me of the boy who could twirl a basketball on his finger. I remember running into him a few years ago when he was working on divorce number 4. He said I had a sweet wiggle in my walk. I knew then he had... Read More

What Would You Do With A 'Time-Out?'
Posted On 08/02/2020 17:46:59 by yourchoice
With all the reading that I’ve been doing this past few weeks, I have been tempted to revert back to ‘the way things were’ before the global endemic has tried to stop us in our tracks. There was always some place that I wanted to go, someone to visit, do some travelling, go shopping, etc.  The media tells us to ‘carry on’ and follow the rules, don’t worry, we’ll get through this, or they tell us that it’s going to get worse, no matter what we do. I don’t want to hear the n... Read More

Hic incipt pestis
Posted On 05/23/2020 15:20:17 by Beth777
"Hic incipt pestis"...

 this translates to "here begins the plague" and was found among many writings of the 14th and 15th century and beyond. It refers of course to the Black Plague or the Bubonic Plague that killed millions across Europe in the middle ages. It's interesting to note that among the suffering and death that literary greats like Shakespeare created some of his finest works during this time, even though he lost 3 sisters and a son to the sickness.

Just as myster... Read More

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