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Viewing 1 - 5 out of 9 Blogs.
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Super Moon Last night I looked up, At the Sky. And saw Full Moon, So smooth and bright. A Super Moon shown, The past two days. Peeking through the clouds, Showing off its "Phase". I was mesmerized, At the beauty exposed. From this Super Moon, (That seemed so close)to Earth .... Dianne10-1-2023 ... Read More
Hello all of my fellow Hill Members. I wanted to share a few thoughts I have to explain my actions on whether to accept a friends request or not. I have chosen the blog section as a bulletin would only be seen by my existing friends only and a blog allows you to reach out to all. I have received quite a few new friends request from members who have several different account here on The Hill. Know, I love having friends, and especially new friends which... Read More
"Shuu Shuu, Baby, I want to hear what they are saying.""One is all I will allow. It is just too dangerous for both. While one is out the other will be locked in the closet." My new grandmother had her hands on her hips. She did that when she was laying down THE LAW. Honey, gave her a hug and a nod of her head."What are you going to do about...?""Jane, I got that covered. I am going to make a cake from scratch and she will be so distracted to realize what is ha... Read More
I have received some wonderful private messages from friends here on The Hill, and other sources. I thought I was giving everyone a “break”, because I’ve been known to be an adamant and frequent user of words, both in live conversations, text messages, emails, and blogs. However, the messages are checking to see if all is well at our patch of land, has our ‘isolation’ become a ‘seclusion’, or have I been distracted by more interesting activities. Well, here comes a ‘deluge’... Read More
Friday nights in the winter was our fudge parties. Brenda and I would be at one house together. Sometimes Mamma and Auntie had to pool their stuff so we'd have what was needed for the fudge. Now this wasn't the fudge like we all make today. Nope, We didn't know there was any kind but what we made. We'd assemble our stu... Read More
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