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Tag: us
Viewing 1 - 5 out of 28 Blogs.
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The celebration is this month-It wasn’t all too long ago, or at least I didn’t think so, when I turned 30. I remember that day so well. It was a Sunday, and I spent part of the day with a close friend. I also dressed in black. So, here I am on the precipice of decrepitude, feeling…well, not 30 anymore, but not how I would have expected at 60 either. My mindset is energetic, alive and forward thinking with a zest for learning more, living, and experiencing MORE. My gait, memory, and... Read More
It was in 1961, that a song was written and then recorded by Frank Sinatra, which we all sang with great enthusiasm. We had finished three years of nursing training, we could either go back home or apply and accept a ‘paying job’ anywhere we wanted to be. Several classmates had already made wedding plans, and there were no more curfews. There were several who chose to further their education, travel, and work toward new goals. The majority of my classmates were now twenty-one years of age, a... Read More
Recently, I have found myself waking up (most mornings) in the last few weeks with a tune playing in my head. Consequently, these songs were from my younger days. Some have been rock beats..others, a classic country melody....and even a few Ozzy hits from the 80’s. I tend to think the younger child inside of me is tapping my shoulder to remind me of days gone by. Days when my only care in the world was meeting up with friends, or simply deciding on what I would order with a h... Read More
I have been enjoying some quiet hours this last while, as we have are adjusting to our self-imposed “quarantine”. Hubby and I are finding our “quiet spots” in an effort to divert our attention from worrisome and sometimes depressing news that tries to invade all of our waking hours. It seems that the more we hear, the more questions we have. Which of the announcements and reported as facts do we believe? Where do we go to find a reliable source of information? Even for those of us who ha... Read More
This is going to be a short blog... (did I hear a couple of sighs of relief???) A friend of mine sent the link to this video today, from Old School Music. Being that there have been several music blogs posted, and I had to admit that I never heard of them before, I thought I would pass this video on, and tell my dear friends here that I recognize most of the singers from my "younger" years... or perhaps the mid-life segment of my life. Allen may be surprised! I also think that this particular so... Read More
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