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Viewing 1 - 4 out of 4 Blogs.

Summer In Our Back Yard!
Posted On 08/21/2019 00:12:36 by yourchoice
I haven’t written a blog for some time, and I’ve been “off The Hill” for longer periods of time. It’s all about life, and what happens when we least expect it. We are doing well… in the midst of our major/minor physical “overhaul”! But rather than giving a detailed medical report, I thought I would share some activities in our backyard.Early in July, I was enjoying some sunshine from my valley-side window when I witnessed a brief visit from a young bobcat. I haven’t seen one up... Read More

Mayonnaise Cake
Posted On 07/04/2015 15:28:24 by yourchoice
What a fun day we've had today. If you have read my previous blogs, you may remember that we have added to our family, a father and son from South America. Father lives with us this summer, and his son comes for the weekends, if his dad is not working. We learned that in Venezuela, mayonnaise is much preferred over butter. They spread mayo on food that I had never thought about. I recently found the recipe that I baked many times when our children were growing up... Mayonnaise Cake. It is the be... Read More

Nature came calling today ... I wasn't pleased!
Posted On 07/14/2014 04:51:13 by yourchoice
For those who have learned a bit about me from my page, and/or my "talking" here on The Hill, you will know that I am NOT a gardener. I no longer even pretend that I like to garden. We have so many deer in our neighborhood, and I refuse to grow anything (except rhubarb, which they don't fancy) that will produce a delicious snack for them. There are enough hay fields in our area so they can't be THAT hungry. We now have silk flower in the pots on our front and back patios, which they leave alone.... Read More

Meet Our Neighborhood Gang!
Posted On 02/23/2013 00:08:48 by yourchoice
The neighborhood gang arrived this morning … the weather was nice enough for them to leave the shelter of the bushes in the valley south of us. Whenever they pass through our yard, we get the camera, and watch from our window. We have mixed feelings when they arrive … we love to watch the wildlife from our window, but this bunch are not related to Bambi. They strip the newly-planted trees, they eat flowers in our flower pots, and the bucks will charge if they think we shouldn’t be where th... Read More

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