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Tag: volunteering
Viewing 1 - 4 out of 4 Blogs.
When my grandmother retired she became a full time baby sitter for me. She had sold girdles door to door after divorcing her first husband for infidelity. Back in her day divorce was rare and divorcees were sometimes shunned. Finding work as a divorcee was hard. She retired from that to manage her own flower shop in the lobby of a large downtown hotel. When I arrived, she became my babysitter.I knew she chatted on the phone with friends, but she also did a lot of going shopping or out... Read More
A few weeks ago when we had some storms come through here my constant volunteering really caught up with me. There was a family that had moved into town who had 3 children with down syndrome. During the storm we lost power for several hours. I sat here in the dark talking to the dogs and directing my prayers to the ceiling as if I could see it. I said, "ok... now what are we going to do? We have no electronic magic to entertain us so tell me where you need me." I really should work on my prayers... Read More
I have retired twice. I retired from teaching many years ago. Went back to school and became an auditor and designed conveyor systems for a national chain. I took an early retirement from that career. My early days of retirement were busy taking care of my mom, her sister, and my many critters and responsibilities. After my husband, my mother, and her sister passed away I was suddenly left with no one to take care of but me and my remaining animals.I allowed depression and laziness to move in an... Read More
M – MOWMOW or better known as Meals on Wheels….Today at 11.15 am, I drove to a friend’s home to pick her up as she helps me to deliver these meals. I then drove to our local Hospital to collect those meals. There are 4 volunteers each day and 2 routes….We do route one and the other volunteers deliver to route two. It usually takes us about one to one and a half hours as by the time we collect the meal, drive to the recipients home deliver the meal and check to make sure that... Read More
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