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Tag: we
Viewing 1 - 5 out of 26 Blogs.
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It has been several months since you have heard from me, and I must break my silence now, to let you know that I’m still breathing. It has been quite a time for us… most of it have been happy times. We’ve dealt with some health issues, have tried to be disciplined enough to follow any instructions that have been given, and be thankful for every day that we are still able to enjoy in our country home. Our neighbors have been warned that as long as we both have our driver’s licenses, they... Read More
So yesterday (Friday) I decided to renew my drivers license..even though it doesn't expire till end of next month. Earlier I had made an attempt to schedule an appointment, which would have made things so much easier. Apparently, that was no longer an option, as the earliest spot available is September. My courage and just plain annoyance of this dreaded requirement of life, nudged me on to their office mid day. Mind you, they don't even allow you to come in till after 12 pm. I drove up precisel... Read More
I could hardly wait until my sister woke up from her nap. I had learned so much today. October thirty first. Who knew it was the month of the spooks. I had never heard of spooks until this morning. I heard it on a cartoon, just before nap time. They are apparently something to be feared. I knew we were in trouble when I had asked our new grandmother if she had ever heard of a "spook". Her answer sent shivers down my spine. My heart was beating so fast. She said she was the Queen of the 'spooks'.... Read More
I hope my readers are enjoying the spring days of the long weekend. It doesn’t really matter about the weather, which none of us can control, or the restrictions imposed on all of us. I’m sure that you are wishing that you could enjoy some time with your family or some close friends. I’m in my favorite chair by the window, and I won’t see the sun set this evening because it is so foggy in our valley. It has rained off and on, and some areas have even had a bit of snow. I think we... Read More
I thought I would have my computer back home by now, but not quite. The new battery that was installed lasted about 12 minutes!!!!! The company has to get their supplier to send another one... hopefully one that will work longer. I was in the city yesterday to enjoy a "Birthday Celebration" with three other ladies. It was a "had my birthday", "having my birthday", and "going to have my birthday"! It was a lot of fun to enjoy a LONG lunch in a great restaurant. By the time I got back home, I was... Read More
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