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Tag: weather
Viewing 1 - 5 out of 11 Blogs.
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It has been quite the start to the year os 2018. Conflict, disasters, social issues, and slumping economy have grabbed our attention. But I am not going to delve in any of those topics. There are better things to talk about.>There has been a lot of talk in our area about Zeros… at least in the weather. There has been so much snow, that the city doesn’t know what to do with it. Transportation has been difficult at times, but most days, workers did manage to get to their jobs. What about th... Read More
It has been quite a summer for us. I won’t talk about the weather; we have no control of that, and complaining didn't help. We’ve had house guests, have travelled 800 miles one way to visit our daughter and family, experienced some family “drama”, and had a few sick days. To add to my frustration (my husband wishes it was never invented), I had limited Internet connection, brought to our attention every time we had a rain storm. Our provider refuses to upgrade equipment because its too... Read More
Even though we still have a month to go before the first day of winter, we are experiencing below zero days this month. We are never quite prepared for such days, even though we understand that it is almost inevitable in our area. For those who wonder how we can tolerate such cold weather, we ask the same question to those who live in tropical areas. In the north, we dash from one warm or heated location to another, as quickly as possible, just as in hot weather, the rush is from one cool or air... Read More
I usually don't talk about the weather (can't do anything about it anyway, so 'it is what it is'!). However, after enjoying a beautiful Sunday, I thought I would take a picture of our "brown valley" with my new Nexus smartphone. Last week, my husband was plowing snow with his tractor, and today there is very little snow, thanks to the arrival of the Chinook winds. These winds that come from the west and over the Rocky Mountains are a great reprieve during the winter, but for those of us who a... Read More
"Black Friday" has arrived in Canada, and we were hit with a myriad of advertisements on TV, newspapers, and junk mail. I don't like the shopping malls at any time, but watching all that pushing and shoving, with no regard to others, made me almost sick to my stomach. I have my own idea on why it has been called 'Black' Friday, but I'll keep that to myself. In our valley, we enjoyed "White Friday", and it is still piling on. I took this photo about 4 p.m. and we have at least double the a... Read More
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