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Tag: wildlife
Viewing 1 - 4 out of 4 Blogs.
The Native Floridians in the above titled blog are not, in fact, humans. I am speaking of the wildlife we are surrounded by in my part of the sunshine state. Summer, by it's nature, being a time of plenty for the animals, has brought them out in full force in my little corner of the world. In the last month alone we've encountered (in our immediate yard and treeline) a coyote, 4 armadilloes doing their best to destroy our lawn, a rabbit, a possum, too many squirrels and... Read More
I haven’t written a blog for some time, and I’ve been “off The Hill” for longer periods of time. It’s all about life, and what happens when we least expect it. We are doing well… in the midst of our major/minor physical “overhaul”! But rather than giving a detailed medical report, I thought I would share some activities in our backyard.Early in July, I was enjoying some sunshine from my valley-side window when I witnessed a brief visit from a young bobcat. I haven’t seen one up... Read More
We had just finished our dinner this evening, and a visitor dropped by ... again, without an invitation. We thought we had explained to the wildlife in our neighborhood that they were welcome to drop by, but to stay on the path that will take them to the river, and not wander through restricted places. Our back patio is definitely a restricted area, but for some reason this one seems to think we won't notice her. Of course, my camera is always handy, and here she is ... Banging on th... Read More
Well, everyone is well aware by now of our ongoing and never ending battle with the Hellsdale wildlife population. Granted, this year is somewhat improved over last year. So far we have relocated only eleven raccoons as compared to twenty three last year. One squirrel has gone for a ride as compared to three of the red coated little heathens last year. Chippie was in the porch for a visit only once so far this year, after thinking he had the run of the house last year. All... Read More
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