Many of my friends here on The Hill have known that I have been involved in the planning of my family's Cenntenial Celebrations ... 100 years since my mother's family came to Alberta, Canada from South Dakota. We decided it was a good excuse for a party, and to re-acquaint ourselves, especially with the younger families. My particular responsibility was to have our Family Tree current and up-to-date, and to collect photographs, old and new from members of the family. We collected the photos to Photobucket, and I will post a few on my page.
My mother was 3 years old when the family moved to Canada, and three more children were added to the family in the next years. We have one aunt remaining, and she was at the Celebration (at 96 years of age). The youngest member in attendance was 2 months old. We had 111 registered guests ... some came for Saturday, some came only for Sunday, and most traveled Saturday evening to their accommodations, and returned Sunday morning for brunch and Worship service in our old church. Lunch was at the farm, and we enjoyed some traditional German food ... homemade sausage and toasted buns, along with salads and desserts, brought by family members, and put together with the caterers' fare. Needless to say, there was a lot of visiting going on!
Here is a group photo that was taken on Saturday afternoon ...

The Celebration was on the home farm (one of my cousins still lives there), and we got to relive fond memories of our growing up years, when we would visit grandparents, and later our aunt and uncle who continued to work the farm for 50+ years after Grandfather 'Opa' was gone.
We got to go inside the original house ... tell stories of things we remember about our visits, and then to say "Farewell" because it will be gone before the end of this year. Being a wooden structure, there are too many squeaks now, and no longer safe to live in.

Drop by my page to find out the new additions to it. You may find more interesting things there. You are welcome anytime!
Tags: Family Reunion Relatives