Operation Fast and Furious Obama I didn't know anything about it.
The Internal Revenue Service’s extra scrutiny of conservative groups Obama: I didn't know anything about it.
Department of Justice subpoenas of Associated Press records Obama: I didn't know anything about it.
Solyndra; Obama, I don't know anything about it.
Bengazi Obama: I was never told about it until the news was released
The disastrous rollout of Obamacare. I thought it was ready.
You can keep your present insurance if that is what you want, period... Our Presidents promise to all of us..... He didn't know insurance would be canceled nor that it cost some people 3 times the amount they pay now, 2500 dollars a family...... can keep your doctor if you want.... Either he knew nothing about it or he lied.
I am sure there are other examples these are the ones just off the top of my head.!!
my conclusion.. Either Obama lies to our country and has committed acts that he can be impeached for...... or someone else is running the country and Obama has been and always will be a figure head. and is not informed of laws being broken, the constitution being over thrown... etc. either way it is impeachable offenses. added together.. its a disaster.
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