Mayday! Mayday!
Calling all units!
Hillsdale outpost reporting..
We are presently under attack!
We are presently under attack!
We are taking heavy bombardment from the air.
Many enemy units observed.
There is a possibility this defensive position will be overrun.
We estimate the enemy outnumber us two to one..
Scouts have identified it as the Red Unit which is attacking our position!
Until now we had assumed no Reds in this quadrant.
Repeat Reds are attacking!
Situation critical!
All personnel are fully engaged.
They are lobbing spruce cones and apples
Spruce cones and apples are incoming.
No reported casualties
But reinforcements requested.
Request anti aircraft units be re-tasked to cover this location.
Mayday! Mayday!

Tags: Red Squirrels