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Hey David Donnie, Jackey and Eric
Posted On 11/13/2013 00:38:27 by oppsgal

Hey David,  Hi Cuz, Think of you this time of year every year since 1962.   I remember you as a young man, 17 years old.  We were on our way to Grandma's house.  You lived next door.  You were not too big, and had a slight build.  But had been working out so you would be in great physical shape. Your hair was cut in a butch and  you waxed it so the front was always stiff.  Your Sister Mary, was older, and she really knew how to dance.  I remember I was 14 and I went to your house next door to Grandmas.  And there were some other guys there and Mary and Nancy your two sisters, There was Bonnie and me.  I was the youngest.  We played some 45 records and we all danced.  We moved the dinningroom table against the wall on the linolium we took off our shoes and every one was fast dancing with every one else.  Some Elvis, some Chuck Berry.  It was lots of fun.  Another time we were going the grandmas again and  you were standing on the bridge and you and your buddy Bobbie had caught this great big Snapping turtle.  and it was holding oon to a big stick and you guys were carrying it across the bridge and it was hanging down.  My Dad stopped the car so we could all take a look at that great be turtle. We had never seen on that big.  Bobbie said you all were taking it down to his grandads and would make some turtle soup.  I thought YUCK I would never want to eat that ugly thing.  Come fall, you turned 18, joined the Army, and went over to Germany.  Then it was Novemember, A Sunday Morning, And I was waiting for my boyfriend to call me.  The phone rang and I quickly answered it.  It was, Aunt Nancy... Her voice sounded really goofy.  And I couldn't under stand.  She said. Susie, go tell your Mom to come to the phone, Daivd was killed yesterday.  I ran out to our garden where my Mom was. and I told her the news.  She dropped her hoe and turned pale and began to cry out.  Oh my Poor Poor Sister... and today is her birthday.. Her boy died on her Birthday. 

It seems you were out doing some field duties and the jeep was going fast and some how it hit a rut in the field, and it turned over and you and another soilder were dead. two private first class young soilders.  A week later, You came back home.  And were buried.  Mom said I should remember you the way your were and not go to the service for you.  So I didn't go.  David when I think of you my cousin, you are still that young man with the turtle.  That skinny kid dancing in white socks and a t=shirt in the dinning room.  I think of you every year at this time on Veterans Day.  And Most of the people in your family are not gone except for Mary.. We talk some times.  and sometimes we mention your name.  Some day I will be in heaven and give you a  big hug Cuz. 

Hey Donnie,  The kid in the house behind mine.  You would climb the fence and play kick the can with all the other kids in the neighborhood.  You had strawberry brown hair cut short and a face full of freckles.  I remember when we were about 8 years old we were in the same class at school and we all walked to school together every day.  That summer you and I were in our garage  behind my Dad's old car.  messing around looking for pop bottles so we could turn them in for some pennies to buy a few pieces of candy.  And you said.. I will show you mind if you will show me yours.  I wasn't quite sure what  you meant,  Then you unzipped  your pants and pulled it out for me to see.  I was scarred and ran out of the g arage. 

I don't think we ever really played again that year.  I moved away.  and was     a Senior in High School.  When I heard the news. Private Donald Traxler was killed in action over in Vietnam.  I thought that can't be he would be my age.  But it was.  I think about you every year around this time Veteran's Day. 

Hey Eric,  I am thinking right now about sitting in orchestra, playing my flute.  B ut at 2pm.  Mr. Lay told everyone to put their instruments away.  we did. It was early in September, the day was hot and all the windows in the band room were open. 

But we could hear it.  very clearly.  The cemetary only 3 blocks away.  We could hear it.. the faint sound of the trumpet sounding taps and then several guns going off 3 times.  Eric you were only a y ear ahead of me in school.  We had went to the movies once, with a bunch of kids. some people were holding hands and kissing.. not me.. but you were in the seat in front of me with Evon and you guys were making out.  You were shot and killed in Vietnam.  Lance Corp Eric Fox.  Gone before you even lived.  I can still remember the sound of that trumpet off in the distance and feel the tears on my cheeks once more. 

Hey Jackey.  Skinny little kid with the big toothy grin.  Lived a block away, and were my Sisters best friend.  You would come over and hang around the house.  You and Cathy holding hands.  I was 21 by then married and with a baby.  You and Cathy were both almost 18.  You guys had just graduated from high school.  And  you worked at the tire distribution warehouse.  Cathy didn't have a job yet but was going to go to secretary school up in Toledo in the Fall.  You joined the Marine Corp, Cathy didn't want you to do that. You felt like you should go there was a war going on.  Vietnam..  So you became a Marine that winter.  And in the Spring you came home.  now a man, you were not that goofy kid hanging around our front door or sitting on the f ront porch.  You spent 2 weeks at home and were shipped out over to Vietnam.  Cathy came home in the middle of the day on a hot summer day in August.  She was crying.  She had gotten a call from your sister. 

I will always remember you Jack Lundell, Lance Corp. Marine Corp.  Forever in my mind a young man with the toothy smile and great personality and how you kept us all laughing with your jokes and sense of humor. 

I remember all 4 of you.. my you all rest in peace.  Thank you for your Ultimate Sacrafice for our Freedoms.  God Bless each one of you and your familys. 

Tags: Veterans Day Heros Death Childhood


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