The young girl stood so straight and true.
Shoulders erect, eyes of blue.
Proud in stature, fair of face
And curls that hung clear to her waist.
She was carefree, happy, pure of heart
Fresh and pretty, lively and smart.
Nothing that hurts, nothing to fear.
She's young, she's unspoiled and held so dear.
Fresh and new gets ruined one day,
When age creeps up and has it's way.
On the face are lines and splotches and grooves,
Gravity kicks in, straight becomes stooped.
And what once was there, now here has moved.
Long hair that was black as the dark of the night
Is short and stubby and mostly all white.
Her gait is stooped, painful and slow.
But as she moves her diginity still shows.
In her heart she's still young and gay,
And that girl is there, she's here to stay.
In her mind she still thinks and feels
Like that fresh young lass with such a strong will.
Clydene Thomas Overbey
11-01. @ 2010