Rocko came to our family 3 years ago actually to my oldest daughter and her husband. He showed up at there home in there little small town. A Golden Lab, very well trained, well groomed, and hungry. They took him in and began a search for the owner.. Newspaper, telephone pole posts of his picture, radio ad. They took him to the vet for a check up.. good health, no chip. The search went on for 2 months then they gave up. Rocko had found a forever home. He is a wonderful compaion. They now live in St. Louis and he loves city life, in fact since they live in a high rise they frequent the local resturants especially the ones with seating out side since Rocko walks with them. Several of the restutants and pubs have adopted him. While they pay to dine, Rocko gets some free treats, and a dish of cool water brought out to him by the staff. ( they never have to ask for it) in fact one restuant has a bowl with his name on it... He is such a friendly dog. One pub had a t shirt p rinted with his name on it so as he walks downtown he is a walking advertisment for the local micro brewery pub.
He frequents many of the out door spaces and splashes in the creeks in the parks or just lays under the trees in the s ummer while his owners have a picnic in the parks. He loves the dog park and has several good buddies he plays with on a regular basis. And He has a girl friend who lives next door. A beautiful part collie by the name of Rosie. In the winter time Rosie and He get together for play dates inside. And Rosie has st ayed with Rocko several times when her owner had to go out of town. Since both Rosie and Rocko have been f ixed there is no romantic relationship. They exchange gifts at valentine day, Christmas, and 4th of July.
Here is Rocko wishing me a Happy Grandmothers Day sev eral weeks ago. He wore a new hat that was picked from one of the parks that he loves.
Oh yes he has 5 feathered friends that live with him too which he does not bother at all even when they fly down and sit on his head.
3 Cockatiels and 2 parakeets. Who get to fly around each night before bedtime for a couple of hours before being put back in their cages.
rocko mothers day
rocko and baby

Rocko and Rosie true love
Tags: Pets Dogs