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Spirit Lifters
Posted On 07/05/2014 00:59:02 by trishvz

I guess we all have favourite things that bring us comfort and pleasure, things that confirm that in spite of this poor world of ours so stricken with disasters, wars, disease and poverty, there are still some things, or people or even traditions that continue to reassure us that our world retains beauty, tranquility, kindness and I suppose, some would say miracles.

Even though I now live on a 4th floor apartment, in a small seaside town, I bless the internet daily, for it enables me to indulge in the things that reassure me and give me this sense that not all is in chaos. I have made mention of Instagram, and I do so again because another collection I follow is floret flower - a flower farm just north of Seattle. To be greeted every day with the marvel of the exquisite blooms pictured here is a treat to which I have become addicted.  Recently it was Sweet Peas, Dahlias, and now Godetias have appeared and one can drink in their beauty and admire the pure sweetness of the floral kingdom. I will add a pic to illustrate somewhere here in due course.

Just in case the reader thinks I am sinking into my dotage in this electronic and virtual world let me hasten to add that this week brought the opportunity to do something useful with my time and my pc, besides the housework etc. it has been a funny old week. I volunteered my services to assist with transcribing details of old uk parish registers - I find it fascinating - learning about the trades of people in Victorian times, currently the cotton mills in Lancashire. I am still being trained but hope to become a useful part of this team.

We had an opportunity yesterday to visit my son, always a treat, and I was surprised with a late birthday gift - a very unusual choker necklace, a gold rope/chain hung with miniature amphorae, now of course I had to research this in the evening, as it prompted my curiosity, and my son has a habit of seeking out the unusual, so I am not certain, but this jewellery appears to be Victorian. It can be worn as a bracelet too.

Biggles is in for another surprise, ...... Our building is being painted! So any day now a strange head might pop over our terrace wall - not sure how though as there is so far no sign of scaffolding being erected ... All will be revealed in due course. Our building is not the prettiest to behold and it has concerned me for some time that every annual meeting has brought forward nothing more than a mention of quotations and a seeming reluctance to provide the funds by way of a special levy, but, as it's all in Spanish I can only grasp the general intentions. Seems we have been saving up for this grand improvement and now the day has come! Hooray! I wonder what Biggles will have to say about this promised disruption of his territory.


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