For those who have learned a bit about me from my page, and/or my "talking" here on The Hill, you will know that I am NOT a gardener. I no longer even pretend that I like to garden. We have so many deer in our neighborhood, and I refuse to grow anything (except rhubarb, which they don't fancy) that will produce a delicious snack for them. There are enough hay fields in our area so they can't be THAT hungry. We now have silk flower in the pots on our front and back patios, which they leave alone.
Today, I received the ultimate act of distain from nature itself. There was some activity outside of our kitchen window, and hubby and I thought it was a dog visiting us from the neighborhood. The drapes were still closed so we didn't see who/what was banging against the window. When it happened the second time, I opened the front door to see who had come calling, only to be confronted by four large black ravens who were busy 'hissing' at each other. I also saw that they had pulled out quite a few of my silk flowers. The nerve! I tried to shoo them toward the rhubarb, but that only made them hiss at me. Apparently, they don't fancy rhubarb. They wouldn't fly away either; just hopped off the patio to the driveway and continued their dispute over whatever was upsetting them. Do you suppose they were fighting over the silk flowers? Why? The flowers look nice, even though the deer continue to ignore them! So what's the problem?
Tags: Nature Flowers Visitors Country Living