We had just finished our dinner this evening, and a visitor dropped by ... again, without an invitation. We thought we had explained to the wildlife in our neighborhood that they were welcome to drop by, but to stay on the path that will take them to the river, and not wander through restricted places. Our back patio is definitely a restricted area, but for some reason this one seems to think we won't notice her. Of course, my camera is always handy, and here she is ...
Banging on the window didn't concern her, but when I opened the door, she knew exactly where to jump down from the wall without damaging herself.
A couple of weeks ago, here is another visitor to our back patio. He's a little hard to recognize in the picture, but we don't want him or his family to hang around our place, especially when Ed is walking between the shop and the house in the dark. Thankfully we no longer have dogs, who think they will win any confrontation with this prickely creature. He's also worn out his welcome when he chewed a large portion of the garage door frame, thinking he could chew his way into a shelter. Porcupines are not one of my favorite creatures.

I realize that not everyone will enjoy the silk flowers in my pots, but they don't have to come and pull them out either. I refuse to have "living flowers" in my planters because the deer will have them eaten before sundown. These guys are no longer welcome either ... they're not the boss of my planters!

About the only creatures who seem to obey the rules are the coyotes. They dash through the yard, hoping that they won't be seen, but there are times that I would like to tell them to 'pipe down' with the howling in the bush because we're trying to sleep.
I guess I should be thankful for the critters that we have, rather than having a neighbor who can't find his pet python. THAT would be a scary encounter!
Tags: Birds Animals Wildlife Country Living