Dallas is my home, born and reared here. I can not remember such a chaotic situation as this Ebola Crisis. We are being told, "It's not by contact, it is not airborne;only by coming in contact with the body fluids of the contageous person." Why are all these people under quarantine? Does taking your temp twice daily while waiting for it to elevate make sense? You don't know who, where,what or why you can't move around. Health experts on TV and News saying "Dont Panic, you can not get it from contact." My thinking is the sanitation conditions are so different in the USA where as a little or none in parts of those countries in Africa!
I love my hometown.Nothing but all sort of apologies now for not being prepared and all the mistakes that has been made. Steam cleaning and destroying everything including keepsakes the family owned. A little happy puppy isolated. Found No Ebola!
Tags: Mistakes Knowledge