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Posted On 11/01/2014 11:44:54 by emom101

2014*11*01 Saturday EMOM'S MOUNTAIN NEWS 0900 HRS

Welcome home, dear hearts, welcome home.  GIT YOUR BUNS IN HERE! RIGHT NOW!!!! Sheesh!  Get over there near the electric stove  but grab a coffee mug first...coffee or tea??? Man! Is it nasty cold out there today or what??  Snow, freezing rain, lots of wind overnite.  Now I have a finish strip on the back porch flapping in the wind.  Any volunteers wanting to hang over the porch roof to drive a few nails??????? lolololol Now, don't everybody jump on the wagon at once.... No takers????  lolol 

Heard the Clyde carrying on out back overnite... I went out to see/hear what was going on... could hear another animal growling... loudly!  I came back in - got the pistol - back out.  Fired one round into the ground... strange animal went dead silent and the Clyde was right behind me... Anna and I talked about it... could have been a bear (don't speak/translate bear yet)...a mountain lion...but it didn't sound like a big cat... I've heard them before.Came back in the house with both dogs and back to bed.  Was real quiet the rest of the nite.  Oh ratz!  I just remembered we have a young bear that's moved into the area.  Has been spotted several times this summer on the road at/near the new strip mining site... Oh dear!

Was out back about dawn to take some pix of the snow, YES - SNOW, on the ground and on the trees.  Not a whole lot, but really early for the season.  Now I need to play with puter and cam to get shots uploaded. Hope they turn out ok. I've mentioned the winds from last nite... can you say Nor'easter???  Blowing so hard the trees were bending double and the leaves were flying...BooHoo there went my fall colors...daggone it! But, with the rain/snow/mix melting and running down hill, I can hear the creek rolling along.  Just wish I could get to it...and there is a beautiful waterfall about a quarter mile upstream from me. I wish it were mine to see every day.

What else?  Can I tell you how much I hate the time change??? The kids go to school in the dark (house lights on) and come home in the dark (house lights on) both directions on a bus for miles.  I've been led to believe that the time change was conceived to conserve energy.  I still don't understand the logic if there is any.  Kids will be up (lights on) at least until they get the homework done, right?  Anybody help me to understand in a manner I can understand?  lolol

Almost forgot again... A month or so ago, I was invited to post the Mountain News on the FB page belonging to the Beattyville Enterprise Newspaper.  Well, I was thrilled they wanted to have my posts... (Bout broke my arm patting myself on the back...flutter, blink) Well, the next thing I knew, the Enterprise wanted to publish my News in their weekly paper.  Oh yeah!  YES! WooHooooooo! Then, I heard someone was upset about my comments about the Storm Gods.  Did not see the humor in what I wrote... OH DEAR!  I went back to playing with the ticks and itches.  Can you say pity party?  lololol  Sheesh!  Well, I've decided that if a person doesn't like what I write, then don't read... Simple, right?

Guess that's it for the time being... gonna go play with the camera for a bit... keep your fingers crossed for me.  Take care all of mine - go in safetly always.  Remember to develop the habit of laffing at yourself... It'll keep you going in the long run.

Many hugs, much love and loads of lafter.... meems


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