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Posted On 11/03/2014 06:30:53 by emom101

2014-11-03 EMOM'S MOUNTAIN NEWS - Monday

Woo Hoo!!  Welcome home, dear hearts, welcome home!  Get in here... get warm and comfy... Skim ice out there again.  I don't care what the wx stations say!  If I have skim ice out there the temp is below freeezing...usually in the 20's.  So there!  An aside here... Wx people are the only ones I know of who can be consistantly wrong on their reports and still keep their jobs... lololol  Gotcha! 

Here's another one. Dutch asked/reminded me if I remembered the time change. Well, I keep a log book...same company for years.  Well, this year the 'book' said time change weekend.  Ok so I started two weekends ago to set back the time.  Hmmm.  Anna keeps telling me that time change is this past weekend.  Ok so I finally get around to double checking both week-end info in this year's book.  How bout both week-ends show time change??? Sheesh!  Got my new log in the mail recently.. check it.  2015 also has two separate week-end time changes.  Duh,  emom, learned sumfin new.  Did you brats know that United Kingdom all the way to Australia have a time change a week earlier that our continent?  Makes sense to me... welllllll, maybe not.  lololol  Am I out of the 'loop' or what?  So anyway, I spent the whole week with two different times in different rooms.  Come to think of it ... I think I need to change the clock in the living room.. Do I have a clock in the basement? Dunno, need to check...

Oh, I forgot to tell y'all about the trip to the drugstore after my visit to Kim's.  Tim, driver of the Mountain Transit, took me to the discount drugs to pick up some needed items.  Well, I go in.. try to business like cause I am on somebody else's time.  OK, so I go to the register to pay - look behind me and you'll NEVER  guess what was standing there.  How bout a small human sized green lady M&M!  Yup, not making this up.  I tried to buy her - have it given to me (I really looked pitiful), tried to shop lift her (didn't have a pocket big enuf)  I think I destroyed the decorum at the drugstore.  Well, ratz!  But I did have the best time!  lolol  Ya know, I think they locked the door behind me when I left.  To be on the safe side?????? lololol

Guess that's it for now.  Take care and go in safety.  Remember to try to hold onto the 'loop'. letting loose can cause real problems!

Many hugs, much love and lots of lafter always... emom-meems


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