"Black Friday" has arrived in Canada, and we were hit with a myriad of advertisements on TV, newspapers, and junk mail. I don't like the shopping malls at any time, but watching all that pushing and shoving, with no regard to others, made me almost sick to my stomach. I have my own idea on why it has been called 'Black' Friday, but I'll keep that to myself.

In our valley, we enjoyed "White Friday", and it is still piling on. I took this photo about 4 p.m. and we have at least double the amount now at 9 p.m. The only sniff of fresh air I've had all day was during several quick trips outside with our furry guest. He seemed a bit confused because there was none of that stuff yesterday, but today he had drag his belly through the unending pile of that cold fluff, just to find an appropriate 'deposit' site. In addition, the first time I took him out with my parka hood up, he barked at me and kept it up until I took the hood off. And I didn't think that dogs were that smart! He has only known me for about three weeks.
As for "Black Friday"... don't expect to see me at any of those 'stampedes'! Just show me where I can find a Value Village or a Goodwill store. I'll find lots of bargains there!
Tags: Shopping Sales White Weather