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Posted On 01/23/2015 22:00:25 by Notgrnyyet


When I was 12 I just couldn't wait to be a teenager. I thought I would really be something then. In my teen years I found out it wasn't as great as I had thought so I started looking forward to 21. Now that's when things will really get good I thought. Lo and behold when I turned 21 I discovered that this was not good at all. I had more responsibilities and things were not near as easy as I thought they were gonna' be.

After my 20's I started thinking that things just had to get better in my 30's. I'd known people in their 30's and they seemed to have everything. A home and a family. Yep that's when things get better, has to be.

On my 30'Th birthday I turned in to a blubbering, squalling mess. Oh my goodness my life was half over and what in the world had I done but wish for the next decade to come. I called everyone who would listen and blubbered and snotted but got nary a bit of sympathy. Now I was really in to living and I didn't know how yet.

Then came the fourties. I just seemed to muddle through those fourties by the skin of my teeth. Some bad things had, and did happen to me in my fourties that made me long to have my teens back.

In my fifties I blubberd and bawled a lot again. Heck fire my life was really half gone and then some. But I had learned a lot. I had born a lot, and I was still there. I had stood my ground never letting life get me down. Oh I got down but I had learned how to get up and go again.

Now in my 60's I look back and know that I would never want to live any decade of my life over. I've got now and that's all I expect. Now I'm entering my 70's. and I don't even wonder what the 70's are going to bring for me. Sometimes I do wonder if I will get to see my 80's, 9o's etc. but I don't worry about it or wish for it to hurry and get here. Each decade of my life so far has had up's and down's, heartbreak, and joy. Not one of them has out done me. I'm still going. Isn't it a shame that it took me so long to come to that conclusion? Life has a way of teaching us what is important and what is not. My age don't mean a hill of beans when all is said and done. The only thing I'd wish for now is to be remembered fondly. I Pray I will be able to leave a good legacy behind and that I have made someone else's life a little better. 

Tags: Living Age


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