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Posted On 01/27/2015 12:31:38 by Notgrnyyet


Patience is a virtue they say but I sure don't have much of it sometimes. Persistence is the one I am better at. You know, If at first you don't succeed try, try, again. Yeaw, sure. If at first I don't succeed I get flustered, if the second time I still don't succeed I get a full blown case of persistence by golly.

I have lots of evidence of that too. Some very recent. I get rip roaring headaches sometimes through no one fault but my own.

I was mad as an old wet hen one day at my husband. I was trying to make up my bed and I was thinking I'd like to kick his pants. I kicked my foot out pretending I was kicking the snot out of him and my foot came in contact with the bed rail. OMG!!! I thought for sure I had broken my foot but it turned out just a toe was damaged. My little pinkie turned black by the next day and swelled up till I couldn't get a sock on much less a shoe. Pain pills please!!

Then there was the time I was hurrying to chase him down so I could give him a big piece of my mind and ran smack dab in to the door as he shut it. BIG TIME HEADACHE. Pill time headache.

I was using my electric mixer one day whipping up chocolate cake batter when he said I was making so much noise he couldn't hear the TV. I raised up my hand to lay down the law to him. Thing was I still had the mixer in that hand and it was still running. Chocolate batter all over me and everything else. Hey, has anybody got any potent pain pills handy?

If he complains about something that I have done my best at and says , “Mamma never did it that way”, now that's coming completely unglued time, killing a man time, the worst headache I ever had time, give me a whole bottle of them darn pills time!!!

Hey, Now I know why I have so many headaches. Anyone got any suggestions?

Tags: Mad Husband Pain Toe


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