Sunday and Super Bowl filled our past weekend. I'm not much of a sports fan, but my husband and son are fans of about any sport. That's why my husband and I both wear headsets and the TV is on mute (in addition to both having hearing problems). He watches sports and I listen to music while I'm on my laptop, and we do a bit of chatting during commercials!!!
Because our daughter and family live in the Seattle area, the family supports their football and baseball teams, and when we visit, we often attend games with them.
Back to Canada ... on Sunday morning, our son posted this photo and commented how much he supports the local company who caters to a huge variety of events. Several friends thought he was showing what he and his wife would be serving at their football party (including us!) and we made sure that we would be there on time OR even a bit early, so we could have a look at this creation before the eating began.

Guess what? We discovered that the only thing our son had at his house was the picture. The rest of the food was purchased in big bags from Costco, or prepared in their own kitchen. Personally, I was relieved that he didn't spend the money on that huge "snack tray" ... I can only imagine the cost of it. Even preparing it would be labor intensive!
It was a great party ... until the last play in the last minute of the game!!! It was hard for many people to say, "They played well, but it is still just a game!"
Tags: Sports Party Game Football