I usually don't talk about the weather (can't do anything about it anyway, so 'it is what it is'!). However, after enjoying a beautiful Sunday, I thought I would take a picture of our "brown valley" with my new Nexus smartphone. Last week, my husband was plowing snow with his tractor, and today there is very little snow, thanks to the arrival of the Chinook winds. These winds that come from the west and over the Rocky Mountains are a great reprieve during the winter, but for those of us who are native Albertans, the rule was ... "I don't care how warm you think it is, if there is snow on the ground, keep your parka on and zipped up. You don't want to catch a cold and have to miss school, do you?"
The brown valley won't last long ... I'm sure the next white blanket is just around the corner.
Tags: Weather Chinooks