So it goes like this.
Made a nice batch of savoury scones for brunch with scallions, shallots, diced garlic, extra sharp chedder, dill weed and a few secret ingredients from the witch's pantry.
Cooked 'em up...
Enjoyed them mightily.
Yummy scrumptious!
Was sitting here minding my own business....
Catching up on some history/genealogy/news/graphics etc...
When the mousetrap snapped shut under the sink.
Marcel goes into the kitchen to collect the cadaver, and...
Meets Chippie coming out from the kitchen and dashing into the den.
He had apparently climbed up the downspout behind the corner round-about from the basement to which obviously he has gained access.
Tabby appears from nowhere and the game of hide and seek commences.
Under the computer table...
Behind the couch
Behind the grandfather clock..
Back under the computer table.
The above repeated ad nauseam.
Marcel jumps up to open the door to the porch..
Chippie runs back into the kitchen and disappears from whence he came.
Tabby spends the next hour looking for him.
It isn't even May yet.
We still have the odd patch of snow for crying out loud!
We're not even into the season yet!
Enough already!
Tags: Cooking Chipmunks Spring