About five weeks ago, I posted the following photo on Facebook, with the comment, “NOT AGAIN”! My friends would know exactly what I meant.

Those are my feet … and I still have that air cast attached to me in my waking hours. It is the fifth time that I have had a fractured foot. My right foot (considered to be my bad foot because of a previous break) is now apparently my good foot. If I don’t have something to touch when I walk, my balance is terrible. As a result, I need to use a walker if I am “out and about”.
We visited several Thrift Stores, hoping to find an affordable walker, but no luck. My next option was to call a dear friend to see if she had a walker in her storage shed that I could borrow. Her friends all know that she never throws anything out, and both parents have passed away, so I thought there was a good chance that she would have one. She had two! She was happy to bring one to our home, if I would have a cup of coffee for her. She knows me well enought that there is always a cup of coffee available at my house. She told me that they had kept a number of pieces of medical equipment so that they could help someone out who would need some help. What a great idea!.
Two weeks later, we were tending to errands in town, and made a quick stop at the Thrift Store to check if any walkers had been brought in. As luck would have it, they were putting a Nexus walker on display when we entered the store. The price was $35.00. My husband checked it over and discovered that one brake didn’t work, and he showed it to the person who was putting it on display. They had missed the broken brake because their policy was to sell items in working condition. We asked if there would be any consideration in the price (my husband can fix just about anything!), and she gave it a minute’ thought and offered to sell it for 50% off the listed price. SOLD! We went to the cashier, and were informed that it was 30% off for Seniors that day. When we got home, we checked online for the price of that model, and it was $479.00 U.S. We did have to purchase a brake unit but the walker is now like new. We REALLY did get a bargain!
One more week before I have my foot x-rayed again. I will be happy to be able to put a shoe on that foot, and tuck the walker in a corner of our storage space. The instructions that I have received from my hubby … NO MORE BROKEN BONES, PLEASE!
Tags: Bargains Health Accidents