While trying to decide on a topic for my next blog in the Alphabet Challenge, several words kept creeping into my mind. Several were familiar words I heard at a very young age, in our home, in Sunday School, and from my Grandfather. I learned the words when memorizing Bible verses, hoping to win one of the prizes that were offered to the child who memorized the most verses.
There was never the option to question what we were taught in Sunday School or by members of the family, but that eventually began to change, as I heard options to my belief system in high school and nursing school. Do I continue to blindly follow what I had been taught, or is it acceptable for me to start asking questions.
Here are several of the words that came back to mind:
Everlasting - how is that possible? Doesn’t everything get worn out, turn rancid, or just become passe or useless? The definition is ‘lasting or enduring through all time; continuing for a long time or indefinitely.
Eternity - a state to which time has no application, timelessness. endless life after death; time that seems to be without an end.
These are tough words to understand, but often used as a promise in holy scriptures. We need a good dose of faith to learn and accept these concepts.
Here are two more, also found in scriptures;
Encouragement - positive words to help or to share what you have.
Entertainment - provide someone with a meal, in your home or theirs.
These are easier to handle and understand. We don't need to put on a fancy sit-down dinner. Even a cup of cold water will bring pleasure to a needy person. As for encouragement, a kind word, an impromptu hug, and unexpected phone call are so much better and helpful than criticism or an angry rebuttle.
Tags: AtoZ Encourage