Sunday, August 30, 2015
2:39 PM
It was on August 25, 1999 that C154 was given into my care at Vernon SPCA. One of God's little creations. A long haired, grey, tabby and white kitten. I n the sixteen years since that day, Toby as he forever became known was a constant presence in my life...
Through all of the ups and downs of a rocky marriage and an even more acrimonious divorce, Toby was there. When I was feeling down I was comforted by his motor bike loud purr, his head butts and the weaving in and out between my legs... And when I was feeling on top of the world, Toby would celebrate with me and treat me to those same signs of feline affection. He knew what I needed and when I needed it.
As a young cat Toby was never a settler... Not a lap cat and never became one... Always an independent spirit. I'm sure he was a cross somewhere between a bobcat and an alleycat, although he did mellow with age. Throughout his sixteen years, he easily accepted the three dogs I brought into His home. Whereas at age three he was introduced to Chai, a little three years old yellow and white female cat. It was close to a month before I could even think of leaving them in the same room together while I was out. All throughout Chai's life which was cut short at ten years of age due to kidney failure, the closest they came was tolerance... Roxy was his next female companion. She came into his life as a six weeks old kitten and had old Toby tamed in four days. They bonded from the word go... Then when Toby was fifteen I took in a two years old stray... Beau D'Oronge... Oronge was just happy to have found a home and Toby accepted the situation, so all was peace in the cabin.
This has been a short biography of Toby. My first feline companion after moving to Canada... Sadly for me, Toby crossed over the Rainbow Bridge on Saturday August 29, 2015... The Good Lord gaveth and sixteen years and four days later He came and took Toby back home.