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N - New Names for Nations and other things
Posted On 09/12/2015 00:54:35 by yourchoice

There have been a lot of changes in our lifetime. Just think about what has changed since you were in school. Think about the way we cook, the music we listen to, and the way we travel. Then there are the clothes we wear, the communication methods, the entertainment we enjoy, and the games we play.

The name given to children in our generation were often duplicated in a family; George, Joseph, Robert, Edward, and Mary, Elizabeth, Barbara, Lydia. Now, there seems to be no end to the created names for children… different in spelling, or just plain silly.

But what about the changes on the pages of our maps? Some changes were made many years ago, and some during our lifetime. Here are a few the I can think of:

  • Burma was changes to Myanmar in 1989

  • Rhodesia was changed to Zimbabwe

  • Persia was changed to Iran

  • Ceylon changed to Sri Lanka in 1972

  • Peking, China to Beijing

Can you think of any other changes? I invite you to post any changes that you can think of. It may bring some surprises that we weren’t aware of.

Tags: Maps A To Z


Viewing 1 - 8 out of 8 Comments

09/23/2015 06:03:36

Rhodesia needed to be changed.  Nothing should be named after Cecil Rhodes.  

The Netherlands Antilles were dissolved and Aruba, Curacao and St. Maartin are now constituent countries.

09/13/2015 22:12:22

jayseahawk wrote:

That would be like the Queen Charlotte Islands of the coast of BC now going by it's Aboriginal name of Haida Gwaii

That's one I'v never heard before; I need to get to the other side of the mountains more often. 

09/13/2015 21:27:43

That would be like the Queen Charlotte Islands of the coast of BC now going by it's Aboriginal name of Haida Gwaii

09/13/2015 00:35:47

Reading up Yugoslavia did split into 7 countries.

I'm not Australian but I think Uluru is the Aboriginal name Uluru/Ayers rock like we say Aoraki/Mt Cook in New Zealand. 

09/12/2015 23:37:31

Bombay became Mumbai... Ayers Rock in Australia is now Uluru. (I'll allow an Aussie to correct me on that one)... And, Gill, didn't Yugoslavia actually split into 7 countries. I know that Croatia, Bosnia, Moldova, Slovenia and another one I can't put my mind to were once all part of the Yugoslavian whole.

09/12/2015 18:26:28

Te Ika a Maui meant ''the fish of Maui''  - I live in the tail of the fish, Barb lives in its head. 

09/12/2015 18:21:58

from 2013

The North and South Islands are now also officially known as Te Ika-a-Maui and Te Waipounamu, the Government has announced.

Land Information Minister Maurice Williamson has this afternoon also formalised the names North and South which previously had no formal standing.

The alternative names were confirmed following a recommendation from the New Zealand Geographic Board that people be given a choice about whether to use the English or Maori names for the islands.

Te Ika a Maui meant ''the fish of Maui'' and Te Waipounamu ''the waters of greenstone''.

The Maori names, which Williamson said had "historic and cultural significance",  were recorded in early Government maps of New Zealand, but that ceased in the 1950s.

The names North and South had never been made official, a fact which was only discovered when the board met to discuss adopting Maori names for the country's two main land masses.

"While these names appear in official publications, including maps and charts, they had been recorded names only and had no formal standing," Williamson said.

"As an integral part of New Zealand's cultural identity and heritage, it is only right the names North Island and South Island be made official under the New Zealand Geographic Board Act 2008."

I think I will always call them North and South Islands and Stewart Island . First ideas stick sometimes. Funny to think the names were never official until recently.

09/12/2015 18:16:49

Five nations have also changed their names since the 1990s. The African nation of Zaire became the Democratic Republic of the Congo; Western Samoa was renamed Samoa; and the Republic of Fiji became the Republic of the Fiji IslandsComoros adopted a new consititution and changed its name from the "Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros" to the "Union of Comoros Islands." In 2003, Yugoslavia became Serbia and Montenegro.  

Samoa also changed its times and is now the first place to see the sun ahead New Zealand.

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