We had long talked about venturing north in British Columbia to see some new country. I did know that a friend from my junior and senior High School lived in Quesnel, but hadn’t heard from her for years. We decided to head north, hoping we would be able to track down her and her husband, but if we weren’t successful, it should be an interesting trip.
We had the map of B.C. (paper in nature), and stopped at anything that look interesting along the way. We learned that we would travel on the main route to northern British Columbia and the Yukon, and if we couldn’t find our friends, we would continue north and perhaps even have a look around the Yukon. Barkerville was also on our list, having learned in school that it was the main town of the Cariboo Gold Rush, and had been preserved as a historic town.
We didn’t get to the Yukon, because we did find our friends. We talked, we shopped, we talked some more, and they took us to Barkerville. We were with them for almost a week; a great treat after no contact for many years. Friendship is such a treasure!
For a bit of “Armchair Traveling”, click on this: Visit Quesnel, B.C.
Tags: Travel A-Z Friends