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Working toward enjoying Spring
Posted On 04/18/2016 13:51:43 by TouchedPainter

Hi, friend, So glad to be back on The Hill...

Wish I could get here more often. In another month I will be able to. Thank you so much for being my friend.

Busy working & getting caught up on finances. Big 'puter problems, & TC worked so long & hard to get things right. God Bless Him & the Cloud8 Computer Services.

I don't like W-10, loved XP. Must advance, though & take advantage of the "wonderful" advances in technology. Still have a flip phone, it does have photo. So busy, I leave it home when I leave the house, cause I need to get done what I need to do, without distraction. Have never use the camera, either.... That is also why I am here, it seems, just once a month. In June, though, I should be able to spend more time socializing. Spring here is 1-1/2 months early. I am not exagerating we are supposed to be in the low 50*s, with at least a foot of snow still... It was 75 at noon. My windows are open w/a fan blowing out, in the upper window, dragging the warm air through the house, from the open windows on the ground floor.There are more migrating song birds than since I first moved here in 1987. The bird song from so many new birds is constant. I hope they stay instead of moving further North. Beautiful to hear the constant chorus. I do feed them, just black oil sunflower & suet, they throw the other seed on the ground, to get to the most fatty food for flying   energy. I have landscaped since 1987 with shrubery & perenials that are best (& recommended) for the migrating birds, & wildlife indiginous in my area of NH. I don't clean up in the Fall, so they have shelter & food all winter. When the new growth just starts, that is when I clean up the old to make way for new healthy food & shelter for the Summer, & to last thru the Winter again. It works, I have a lot of song birds all Winter, & critters coming to the heated water fountain. I love it when the deer come to get a drink. I have a swamp across the road, but fresh water is always sweet.

Speaking of water my gas water heater died. Here I am in the middle of killing myself to get caught up on finances & I get slapped w/ $1000. plus, setting me back again. Just can't win for loosing, even. I'll just have to keep up the pace a little longer.

It has been a beautiful Winter here. Warm & no snow. Not good for the vernal swamp/pond across the street. Almost no water & the fewest peepers ever. Our amphibians are hurting. They also are a month & 1/2 early, on April 1. I said is this an April Fool joke, I can't be hearing peepers yet. It will be an interesting Summer to see what this El Nino Winter brings.

Well, the timer has gone off & I have the weekly meals & food ready for me to tend to... So good to be here rummaging around on The Hill... Stop on by any time for some hot tea & scones. Hugs TP


Tags: Spring


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