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Summer is done... ALMOST!
Posted On 09/07/2016 22:34:37 by yourchoice

It has been quite a summer for us. I won’t talk about the weather; we have no control of that, and complaining didn't help. We’ve had house guests, have travelled 800 miles one way to visit our daughter and family, experienced some family “drama”, and had a few sick days. To add to my frustration (my husband wishes it was never invented), I had limited Internet connection, brought to our attention every time we had a rain storm. Our provider refuses to upgrade equipment because its too expensive. We need at least 200 new homes in our valley before they will upgrade, and that will never happen. We have neighbors who make a fuss when a single house is added to our area. I guess this is the cost of living in a rural area.

“Customer Service” from our telephone and Internet provider is not what it used to be. After dialing the posted telephone number for customer service and waiting on hold for twenty minutes, the first available person to take my call was located on the opposite side of the globe, English was not their first language and their responses to my question were listed on their prompt sheet. I think I have more grey hair after my experiences this summer. We are now on a trial period with a new company, and they are working hard to get us service that is at least reasonably efficient. In the meantime, my beloved husband of 53 years keeps asking, “How did we get along so well when there was no Internet, cell phones, or texting?”

Apparently we did quite well!

Tags: Family Travel Guests Weather


Viewing 1 - 4 out of 4 Comments

09/29/2016 00:35:03

I feel and share your frustration, someone once sang ..... There'll be days like that! We certainly have them in our neck of the woods (town) . When all else fails with the internet, I give up and revert to destiny. I have a friend who refuses a television, and others who have tried the internet, tried smart phones, and decided they can live without the technology and the frustration. Alas, I am addicted to knowing what is going on in the world.

09/21/2016 07:40:08

Hope your internet will be better soon... so that you won't have to wait too long for the links...

We suffered with the heat and without AC.

09/08/2016 19:44:03

Does this mean that you have had a similar experience, or does it mean that my return to blogging is causing you stress? Of course, my comment is to do a bit a teasing!!! Hope you had a good summer "sgrannylove"!

sgrannylove wrote:

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