Oct 21, 2016 “Time, Papa” 
Oct 21 “Time, Papa” Here it is another weekend Papa. It seems like the last one just came. I wonder how earth time looks to You Papa? Your Word says a day is a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day. I guess You’ve heard all the speculations of man about how long it took YOU to create our world. I know You could’ve done it in a nano second or thousands or billions of earth years, which could be any amount of time. I wonder Papa what its going to be like when “time is no more” because we won’t need a sun or moon, day or night in heaven will we? I wonder how You measure the importance of our lives too. Since Papa, Our Jesus was only on earth time for around 33 years, yet for thousands of years His life has changed our lives down thru the ages. He came at just the right time and will come again to meet us and then the second time to earth at “just the right ‘time”. And just to think the Blood of Jesus poured out over 2000 years ago is still saving lives and making His Royal Kingly Blood flow in our veins today to be Your Offspring. Its even been proven by our “earth science”. How funny it is Papa that mankind thinks they are “discovering” things You’ve already told us in Your Word; however it just verifies and confirms Your Wisdom and plans from forever to forever. There’s that “time” thing again. How long is forever Papa?
Tags: Time Forever
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