Oct 28 “Your Compassionate Heart, Papa” Papa it was a kinda trying day in some respects today. Thank You for “being here” for me and making all things work together for good like You always do. You are Faithful. I have a thankful heart tonight for You Papa. You are my shoulder to cry on, to lean on, to sustain me, to be my shelter in storms, my rock in a weary land. When some cause hurt, You bring another alongside to comfort with kindness. You see my tears, You see my smiles. You are so amazing Papa, My Great and Mighty God Creator of all things, yet You watch tenderly, compassionately over me every moment. And Papa, why should I ever doubt it, for You gave Yourself in Your Beloved Son for me at Calvary, so You will be there in all things for me, since You already gave me Your very Best. Then giving me Your Holy Spirit of Your Loving Life in me. Yes, Papa You have given me spiritual blessings upon blessings, perfect gifts of Love from above. Thank You PapaGod for Your Compassionate Faithful heart of love for me, the One You Love. I love You Papa.
Tags: Evening Conversations With Papa Faithfu Creatorl Thankful Heart