To our treasured friends of the great & beautiful Nation of Australia, you have been our MOST faithful ally for generations, even when no other nation allied with us the U. S. A., you always joined by our side WITHOUT even being asked to do so. You were just there, with total loyalty. I need to take this time to express my profound apology for the unwarranted, ignorant, immature, disgusting, intolerable, sociopathic, narcissistic, unconscionable thoughts, accusations, & threats to our precious friends & valued allies of Australia. With tears running down my face, I am appalled & humiliated that a President (I did not vote for) could have the hubris to presume to speak for me (& most of my countrymen) in such a demeaning manner to the actually most appreciated nation & people of Australia. Please realize we the people of the U. S. A. appreciate the valued contribution your citizens & your country have made to help make the U. S. A. as great as it has become today. I am so sorry this deplorable excuse of a human being is attacking you & yours. Please realize his sick & twisted rants/attacks are the opposite of the vast majority of the people of the U. S. A. We will continue to advance/expound the peaceful resistance across our country. We may be stuck with this reprobate for four years, so we beg you to please understand, his acidic/nasty comments/threats are opposite of those of the citizens of the U. S. A.
God Bless You All,... we love you... & profoundly & gratefully thank you for your most appreciated contribution to our country,... and only wish you the very best health & prosperity. Thank you & sorry again, L. E. P. aka TouchedPainter
Tags: Trump