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Do You Know Your Cyber Friends?
Posted On 11/04/2019 11:32:17 by yourchoice

My weekend was wonderful … the weather was ‘ify’ and I was happy to stay home. The housework was done, I don’t have a garden, and I’m feeling quite well. I’ve missed so much of what has been happening with my friends here on The Hill, so I spent much of the day, sending private messages to those who are on my list of friends. I discovered that a number of my long-term friends have not been on The Hill for almost a year. I do know that one of them had been very ill, and I’m wondering how she is or if she survived her physical challenges. 

All of this activity has got me thinking about the cyber friendships that we make here, even though we probably will never meet them in person. How do we decide who we would enjoy meeting and getting to know, and do we accept every invitation to join someone else’s group of friends? I registered on NOTH only weeks after it was launched, and have enjoyed many wonderful friendships.  I’ve also made some errors along the way. Having been a staff helper for much of that time, I learned a lot about how this social network is managed, with the goal of it being a safe and fun experience for those who have joined. But I also have the responsibility to be informed about who and what I share with others. I read their profile page to find out their interests, their hobbies, and anything else they have posted when they registered. If I read something that may be of interest to me, I send a private message and ask questions. If I am invited to join a group of friends, and the profile is available only to their friends, I decline the invitation. Why would I open up to someone that I have no information from them? How would I respond to a neighbor who moved next door or down the street from me? Would they automatically become my friend without first learning something about them?

Several days ago, I had a conversation with someone who told me that it didn’t matter if someone was telling the truth or posting some lies on their profile. I was also challenged because I had the nerve to ask some questions, like what is your first name. I’m wondering what attracted members to The Hill in the first place? Was it recommended to them, was it to interact with other “seniors”, learn new computer skills, or was it to promote their own experiences. This is an international network and I have learned so many things from people who live in locations that I will never have the opportunity to visit.

I hope I haven’t stepped on too many toes with this blog. I’ve been absent from The Hill for a time, not always by choice but by circumstances. I enjoyed my “interactions” with friends today, receiving wonderful responses to my messages. I had to relearn several things that I used to know how to do on my profile page but forgot. “Use it or lose it” still applies! I wandered around The Hill and read many profile pages, catching up on the seasonal decorations and new interests, and enjoying many photographs. 

It is with my appreciation that I thank TC and EB, the originators and owners of NOTH, and applaud Staff Member Diane, aka ‘Altara’ for her helpful tenacity and knowledge in an attempt to keep this pleasant network running smoothly.

Tags: Friends Honesty Personalities


Viewing 1 - 5 out of 5 Comments

11/08/2019 18:13:01

Well, here I am, one of the "infrequent cyber friends" who only pops in once in a while sometimes...I've been so busy with friends that I met on the Internet in a dog group (when both our dogs were still alive & kicking)  and she and her husband became visitors from England to our home here in the East .. for about 14 years now, just having left a month ago, and I began new trials of med changes (sighhhh exhausting) and so I haven't been on much, as my brain (such as it is after Lyme Encephalitis many years ago) and "elderly age coming on w/a BANG it seems"  and so many different colored notes magnetized to my "board" over my "puter" with notes I OWE so many people here.  I had great plans this summer to do so much, but unfortunately haven't been able to fulfill so I hope those who were looking for me will forgive my lateness as I'm not ignoring anyone, just trying to get through each day most days - and hoping to catch up now and then.  I've always loved this site since many years ago when I saw it listed for the Oldies but still Goodies!  I still think of so many of you and hope I'll hear from and catch up with all of you !!! I've been praying I'll get to have Windows 10 or 11 before I get snowed under too!  

11/07/2019 21:17:51

Allen wrote:

Hi Mona...I really did enjoy reading your blog!  I think keeping it real is the only way to go!  If they lie about themselves then I think they are not very respectful to us or themselves!  I was brought up with thou shalt not bare false witness against thy neighbor!  I mean you can simply say it is none of your business if they ask you something you don't want to answer!  I say be straight forward and your mind and body will live a better healthier life!  Ok...that's all!  have a great weekend my friend!

Thanks very much, Allen. You probably are not surprised that I talk to many friends (and not-yet-friends) here on The Hill, trying to catch up on things I missed along the way. I learned that the concerns that I expressed were not only mine. I was brought up with the same guidelines and believe that they should apply in everything that we do. 

11/07/2019 17:28:09

nightfall wrote:

Great post. It takes a lot of time to really get to know our friends here. Like all social networks there are those that are phonies. Some will like to cause drama etc. Still there are a lot of gems and us members get to to see what life is like outside our own city and/or country. It is a wonderful experience in my opinion.

Thanks very much for your comment... seems like we are somewhat on the same 'page'! I've met some wonderful people here on The Hill, and I appreciate the two people who came up with this idea (EB and TC), and their dedication to keep it running as smoothly as possible.

11/07/2019 15:38:01

Great post. It takes a lot of time to really get to know our friends here. Like all social networks there are those that are phonies. Some will like to cause drama etc. Still there are a lot of gems and us members get to to see what life is like outside our own city and/or country. It is a wonderful experience in my opinion.

11/05/2019 11:03:55

Great post Mona.  I have enjoyed our friendship and to think, if I had not joined NOTH, what a blessing I would have missed. Questions fall under, "getting to know you" and we took the time to ask and to answer to find out more about one another.  As always one thing remains the same, good communication is always the key.   You and I both have had things that have kept us from logging in but the one thing that remains true, "friendship is like the stars.  You may not be able to see them sometimes but you know they are always there.  Take care and thanks for the blog.

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