My 'To Do' list is getting shorter these days... and writing a short blog will take another item off the list. I have been dropping by NOTH to see what's happening, visiting pages to admire Christmas decorations, and reminding myself that I need to change my page... enough with the "Winter" theme!
Because I was a bit short on ideas for my page, I decided to share photos from of our Christmas decorations. We do tend to be somewhat "non-traditional" (not a Santa or an Elf to be found), but it is still fun. As our grandchildren were growing up, they loved to come to our home and play "Christmas" with the manger scene and the various figures. Nothing was breakable (the figures are carved in myrtlewood, and were a gift from a friend in Israel). They are all young adults now but I still assemble it every year. For us, that is what Christmas is all about!
When you have a spare minute, drop by my page and have a look!
When we had room for a Christmas tree, the majority of the ornaments were items that we purchased in our travels, and made them into a tree ornament. There are stories with each piece... a sail ship when we experience the Tall Ships in Nova Scotia, the felt 'Beefeater" when we watched the trooping of the Colours at Buckingham Palace, a glass ball made from ashes at Mt. St. Helens, etc. etc. We no longer travel or have room for a tree, but we still hang the ornaments. Our tree is now one that was made by a dear 'quilter' friend, which is just fine because our family have not exchanged gifts for many years. It was our two adult children that suggested that none of us need anything, and/or if we do need something, we don't wait for Christmas! As for the grandkids, we grandparents were instructed that it was to be ONE gift per child, and that didn't mean one big box with twelve items in it. Now we give "just because" gifts... at any time of the year. To take the place, we now look for a charitable project that we can participate in.
To add to my celebration this year... I have a date with a dental surgeon in two days, and will have multiple teeth pulled, and upper dentures installed. If I don't heal up in two week, it will be mashed potatoes with gravy, jello and pudding (but no pureed turkey) for Christmas dinner! I can hardly wait!!! Thank goodness that I will still be able to talk... and type, so you may hear from me again.
If I don't get back soon, have a wonderful and blessed Christmas!
Tags: Christmas Decorations Gifts Celebrations