Here I am again... having extra time on my 'puter this week. Music fills our home... and Christmas gives us special favorites. Today I was reminded of a tradition in my home many years ago. My parents and I sang in a church choir, and Christmas was the time to enjoy the annual concert of Handle's 'Messiah', performed in the city's best known concert hall. Because we had learned some of the music, we would take our choir book to the concert so that we could follow the words of the music. The special song, when the audience stood to their feet, was the Hallelujah Chorus. I have never tired of that song.
Today, a friend sent me the link to a very different rendition of the song, with the participation of Quinhagak Alaska 5th Graders. I just have to share that with my friends... I hope you enjoy it too!
Tags: Choir Children Tradition Handel