I don’t think that I ever explained … and perhaps no one has asked, but I’m here nonetheless! It’s about my username here on The Hill. I’ve often thought I should change it and pick one that sounds less “self-centered”! There is a story about how I picked it in the first place.
About thirty-five years ago, when our children left our ‘nest’ and ventured on their own, I was looking for something to help fill my time… being that I had been a full time homemaker, taxi service, and weekend hostess to a gang of kids. I had been away from the nursing profession for too long, and not interested in returning to the ‘halls of learning’. However, I had been introduced to a fancy machine that was called a computer, and it grabbed my attention. My hubby thought that if I learned how to use a thing like that, perhaps it would be of help in his real estate business. That was the beginning of my ‘love affair’ with the computer.
The first thing that I had to learn was the language in the instructions… I could read English very well, but I needed to have a dictionary to find out the meaning of words in the instruction. I did all the tutorials, but they were boring. I had read that for a small amount of money, I could get a disc with some ‘pictures’ that could be added to my letters. For five dollars, I could order a disc with 50 graphics. WOW!
My husband didn’t think that what the dot matrix printer produced was ‘professional’ looking as what a typewriter could produce, so he purchased a ‘daisy-wheel’ printer for my computer. It was just like a typewriter, except I didn’t have to push the handle that moved to the next line, it didn’t ring a bell as I approached the end of the line, and it printed at a lightning speed of 17 characters per second! We stood and watched it in utter amazement. However, I no longer could use those wonderful ‘graphics’... that was just for the dot matrix printer.
My venture outside of our home was to do medical transcribing… it seemed like I was able to have a finger (just my little finger) in the medical community. My first job didn’t last too long because there was no Internet, and I would have to drive to the city to pick up dictation tapes, go home to my office, transcribe, print the files, drive back to the city, pick up revisions (and my errors), back home… do you get my drift? Any money that I earned paid for the gas in my car to drive back and forth.
Jumping ahead… new technology, upgraded office computers, etc. and the Internet. I again ventured out and did contract work for seven years in a medical clinic. I loved it, kept learning computer stuff, and hearing about all the changes taking place in the medical community. I also did a lot of volunteer “computer” work in our community and in our church congregation. Then my husband suggested that I set up my own company and get some pay for work that I could do at home. What should I call my company that hasn’t been already registered?
I would be looking for work in the small town near us, rather than travel to the city, and I planned to create suggested layouts for business cards, local advertising, Welcome Wagon participants, etc., and then let the prospective customer decide what they would prefer. Starting from ‘square one’ I would have to learn about their preferences. With all that in mind… my registered company was "Your Choice" Designs!
Now you know where the username came from!

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