Many of my cyber-friends know that I’m not much for watching TV. I love music, and I love to learn new stuff, so I am a fan of YouTube. Politics is something that I won’t discuss if at all possible. So much of what is on TV is focused, either directly or indirectly, to current trends and politics, peppered with antagonistic, hurtful, and unsubstantiated accusations. I’m a Canadian, living in an area that apparently produces ‘dirty oil’. Maybe they meant to say that oil makes your clothes dirty!!!! We have our share of domestic and government problems, as do many other countries. We are inundated with American News and politics, as well as our own, but in a democracy, it is our votes that count. Voting to me is still a privilege, and I have never missed an opportunity to cast my ballot. Some will applaud the outcome of the vote, others will disagree, but we have to live with it. Why is it so hard to find a positive result instigated by a government decision? In my opinion, the rhetoric, the falsehoods, the anger, the personal attacks are shameful and degrading. Wouldn’t it be nice if the media would choose guidelines to integrity and honor into their reporting, instead of headlining disasters, crime, and anything that will fuel controversy? How can we, the public, know for sure, if what is published is the ‘whole truth, and nothing but the truth… so help me God!
Regarding blogs posted on ‘The Hill’, I again read the guidelines posted in Terms & Conditions by the Owners of NOTH, and adhered to by Staff. It is their goal to keep NOTH a happy and well-run social network, including the content of the many Groups and Blogs. We don’t own the site, they do, so they get to make the rules. Over the almost 10 years as a member and Staff Helper on NOTH, I have met wonderful people, and some have become personal ‘cyber’ friends who I will never meet face to face. Our lifestyle may be very different, our likes and dislikes are interesting, and our opinions are our own without judgement. I’m still a huge fan!
I love WORDS… written, spoken, printed! I write blogs… long ones at times. Recently, I have been ‘itching’ to write another blog but couldn’t decide on a topic, until this morning. I reread the Terms and Conditions of NOTH, posted at the bottom of every page on this site, to refresh my mind of the guidelines for Blogs. Here is the part that was a good reminder ….
“..... A blog, simply put, is something you have written, or written about. As long as you are not slandering anyone, we don't have too many rules. Please don't post things you have copy/pasted from some place, don't advertise anything, don't link to other sites, and don't use it for a sounding/complaint board. …..”
My hubby reminds me when I talk too much, and I have read many books on many topics in my lifetime… some entertaining books, some teaching books, some controversial books. We have enough books in our home library that would make a good start for a community library. The best and treasured book is the Holy Bible… a guidebook in my life. My eyes are not what they used to be, so I now read it on my tablet, my phone, my computer (whatever is handy), replacing the leather-bound Bible in our library that was gifted to me by my parents. It helps me learn what I need to know, what I want to know, what I strive to be … and to be reminded the GOD IS LOVE … not God HAS love! It is a treasure of words!

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