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Life is changing more rapidly
Posted On 02/17/2021 21:47:24 by GerriB

Today is a changing of lifestyle day to me, it's been coming on for some time but reality is really setting in now.  My health has been declining slowly in this "avoiding Covid" atmosphere of staying in the home and only having gone out twice this past year for lab tests for multiple doctors and this weekend, our eldest dtr. took me out to a grocery store to see what it's like having been gone for over a year now.  I made it through the first aisle and at the length of the next (which seems to have grown longer than I've ever remembered it) I was OVERWHELMED by all the people and products and though everyone was very nice and patient, it struck me uncomfortably and I sat with the patients at the Pharmacy who were waiting for their covid shots and had little chats until our dtr. finished and we went home...my husband is quite ill now, Stage 4 kidney disease as well as inoperable heart disease, and has slowed greatly.  We're 84 now and feeling our age for the first real time.  I do enjoy getting notices of Hello from NOTH people and apologize for not writing or returning messages.  Life is changing and with strength declining, I'm not so good at writing, but I appreciate the time you take to write me. Be Well.



Viewing 1 - 4 out of 4 Comments

02/22/2021 14:25:40

I send you my prayers.  Thank you for sharing.  Hold on to the love...  You take that with you.  Our lives are remembered from cheers to tears and from tears to giggles again.  Hold on to the love.  Love is not felt through any one of the five physical senses.  Hold on to the love... It will not fail you.  You take it with you.  God bless.

02/20/2021 23:09:55

What a difference a year makes... and I can only imagine what it has been like for you to have only been away from your home on two occations. Every day is a treasure... is what I try to tell myself. When I remind myself of the years that I have had, I think of those who had far fewer years of life. My mother was 64 years of age when she passed, and I thought she was an old lady then. 
Thank you for sharing your story. It is God, our Maker and Father, who knows how many days we have. We can live each day wisely, and with a thankful heart.

02/19/2021 21:29:23

I noticed your blog title, and felt I needed to come by, and read what you wrote.  My heart felt a great compassion, along with sympathy,in realising what you are going through.  Once upon a time, someone reaching their 70's was considered pretty good.....84 is amazing to me! I know it is a very confronting thing, when your body slows down, and health issues seem to take over......

I feel that in spirit, we are eternally youthful, in fact, always around 21!  The spirit of that keeps us young for as long as humanly possible.... I am thinking of you today, and sending love, and compassion. I am so glad you were able to write it up and post it. THANK YOU for telling us about what is happening.  Fond regards, a fellow NOTH-IAN

02/19/2021 14:21:46

My prayers are with you and your family.

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